
Issue 12 – ORACLE

Issue 12 – ORACLE

  • Creative
  • Digital Work
  • Editorial
  • Essays
  • Feature
  • Illustrations
  • Personal
  • Photo Essay
  • Poetry
  • Visual
  • Precarity Editorial

    Precarity Editorial

    It has been our great joy to work in collaboration with The Institute of Postcolonial Studies (IPCS) to bring you the eleventh issue of demos journal. Securing funding through artsACT for the production of this issue marks a significant moment for demos journal in...
  • Editorial
  • Bodies


    We exist through our bodies and in relation to other bodies – human, animal, ecological. This issue of Demos explores the ways in which the body moves through the world – how it labors and loves, how it treads the duplicitous thresholds of legality, how it is...
  • Editorial
  • Editorial: Crisis

    Editorial: Crisis

    The demos journal editorial team decided to explore the topic of crisis before the summer of bushfires and the outbreak of this global pandemic (and its economic and social shockwaves). We were already living in a time of political and social crisis, whether it was...
  • Editorial
  • Editorial: The University

    Editorial: The University

    Excessive managerialism, neoliberalisation and casualisation are some of the main challenges that are threatening the viability and the values of the university today. Sara Ahmed argues in her book On Being Included: On Racism and Diversity in Institutional...
  • Editorial
  • Issue 7: Student Activism

    Issue 7: Student Activism

    Student activism has been a defining feature of university life for as long as there have been universities. Young, idealistic, energetic and caught in the throes of an exciting yet tumultuous period of growth and exploration, it is unsurprising that students are...
  • Editorial
  • From ANUSA

    From ANUSA

    Inherent to the objective of student unionism is the furthering of member interests. Historically and presently, higher education and university administration policy have been seen as counter to these interests, prompting student representatives to explore various...
  • Editorial
  • Futures Possible

    Futures Possible

    The future is arguably the defining concern of progressive politics.  We strive for a better future, and believe the present is insufficient. It is fundamentally conservative to suggest that how it is now is as good as it will ever be. However, politics at both a...
  • Editorial
  • Resistance


    Resistance can fuel our passion, validate our convictions or break our spirit. The pursuit of resisting may be undertaken out of necessity or through choice. With these motives in hand we will judge the convictions of others and be strongly judged in return. Here at...
  • Editorial
  • Pushing the Boundaries: Introducing Demos Issue 4

    Pushing the Boundaries: Introducing Demos Issue 4

    Before the establishment of the modern state, characterised by its clear delineation of territorial boundaries, Immanuel Kant penned his essay Perpetual Peace. Among his conditions for what would secure a truly lasting peace was the Third Definitive Article – what he...
  • Editorial
  • Voices from the Grassroots

    Voices from the Grassroots

    It has recently been an active time around the Australian National University, with voices pooled to fight for shared interests. We are fighting significant cuts to the School of Culture, History, and Language, vast changes that will impact life at the Bruce and...
  • Editorial
  • Articulating Silence

    Articulating Silence

    In aspiring to publish those voices that are marginalised, misrepresented and ignored by mainstream publishing, it was inevitable that we would come to muse on the meaning of silence. Silence is commonplace in political rhetoric and yet it is seldom critically...
  • Editorial
  • Creating Demos

    Creating Demos

    To introduce the exciting diversity of voices that make up the first edition of Demos Journal, we embark upon a reflection on the relation between democracy and creativity itself. Demos Journal set out to create something new: a community committed to deconstructing...
  • Editorial
  • Past Issues