Duncan Stuart

Duncan Stuart is an Australian writer living in New York City. His writings have appeared in 3:AM Magazine, Overland, Jacobin Magazine and The Cleveland Review of Books. Find him on twitter @DuncanAStuart.

Bearing Witness: Three Digressions Through Art

Bearing Witness: Three Digressions Through Art

Modern identity politics is often denigrated; depicted as an irrational mass shouting defiantly about their experiences; a moment of politics that erases the good old fashion posturing of parliamentary debate. While identity politics, like all politics, operates in...
  • Essays
  • The Clamour of  Political Beings

    The Clamour of Political Beings

    Politics is a noisy place. This can be seen its everyday machinations: parliamentary speeches, the bustle of protests, various heated discussion on the value of free speech. This essay seeks to investigate how western political philosophy has placed a primacy on...
  • Essays
  • The Greek Crisis:  A Democratic Deficit

    The Greek Crisis: A Democratic Deficit

    Introduction The Greek debt currently totals somewhere around 240 billion euros. Throughout what has come to be called the Greek debt crisis, the actions of the European Union has left commentators perplexed and in search of an explanation. The handling of the Greek...
  • Essays
  • Past Issues