
Innocence Commodified: The Figure of the Child in Neoliberal Capitalism

Innocence Commodified: The Figure of the Child in Neoliberal Capitalism

Innocence is an important cultural marker. As I and others have written elsewhere, it holds powerful significatory value as a contested and complicated sign which entangles richly with other forms of meaning (Wekker 2016, Kanjere 2019, Tuck and Yang 2012, Fellows and...
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  • Legal Rupture, Legal Order: Three Stories of Australian Riots

    Legal Rupture, Legal Order: Three Stories of Australian Riots

    Tilly Houghton was a friend to many at the Institute of Postcolonial Studies (IPCS) and demos journal, and worked on and contributed to this issue of demos journal. We have been given permission by Double Dialogues to reproduce the following piece of Tilly’s, in...
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  • Give Me Beauty or Give Me Death: Understanding Trump’s Nostalgia Through La La Land and Jackie

    Give Me Beauty or Give Me Death: Understanding Trump’s Nostalgia Through La La Land and Jackie

    This is the text of a talk given in Canberra on 15 February 2017 for a ‘Philosophy in the Pub’ event at Smith’s Alternative. The brief for tonight’s event was to talk about philosophy, and post-truth and populist politics. Well, what is there to say and what do I have...
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  • The Doll Lady of Wisconsin

    The Doll Lady of Wisconsin

             On the first anniversary of my mother’s passing, a letter was forwarded to me from the Holocaust Centre. My mother had been prominent in Holocaust Education. A woman in Wisconsin was writing a book and looking for my mother to provide her with background...
  • Creative
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  • The Apocalypse is Easy:  Limitations of our Climate  Change Imaginings

    The Apocalypse is Easy: Limitations of our Climate Change Imaginings

    In a 2005 article for The Guardian, Robert Macfarlane lamented the lack of a cultural response to climate change, asking: ‘where are the novels, the plays, the poems, the songs, the libretti, of this massive contemporary anxiety?’ Since then, a rapidly expanding body...
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