I can’t deny how much I already feel this. But my focus

refuses direction, won’t be blinked into moistened clarity.

Muffled by a hum, just behind my ears. Whispering hushed tales of possibility.

Yet I dare not speak it, that it be spooked beyond reach and out of existence.

Where sums and vowels and rules form conditional language to soften

pending or lived disappointment.

This need not be: it is not knowledge, but fear. A shield that serves to muffle

the sound of hope, potential and hearts breathing deeply.

A pained and bruised notation to not value, until proven. Guaranteed.

But there is none to be had.

So, instead, I shall grasp it with hopeful hands,

breath life into it and give it a home in my heart where it may grow, or not:

unconditionally. Without expectation, into that which the ‘verse would have it be.


  • Steve Hosking

    Raised on the mean streets of Canberra, Steve studied political science, philosophy and economics at the Australian National University. He is a long-time vocational writer, but a recent convert to the church of poemetry. Steve’s enthusiasm for word-smithery is insufficient compensation for his questionable ability, but he persists happily.

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