Yes, Let’s!
Lets A-politicise all that became somehow political.
Until the politics is taken out of politics
And the underground of revolution becomes a gathering of silent bodies.

We don’t have a will to change the world,
We want
To control it,
To strategise until the meaning of power becomes another A-grade essay,
Until the splinters of something new must be aggressively subdued and the pollution that is ‘values’ become a memory to study and scoff.

It reeks of solidarity.
It’s time to A-politicise the air.
Lets speak about the things that we speak about.
Lets analyse the formulation of the ‘science’ of resistance.
And how dare we question why only the men in here
Get to speak.

How archaic!
To choose a side!
The feminists were wrong you know?
Oh hun, that’s cute,
you little commie.
I’m sorry to be the radical in the room but…

They say we have to take the politics away from politics,
Until all that’s left are miniature ideals and tiny thoughts
In a realm away from here:
Not below.
